Monday, October 4, 2010

Recommended reading for bloggers

As far as I'm concerned, if you want to learn about making some cash out of your blog, then there is one blogging bible and here it is:

The authors, Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett, are pioneers in the blogging field but don't mind sharing their secrets in a really readable way. And Darren's an Aussie from Melbourne, yet a world famous professional blogger. I think that's great!

There are numerous other blogging books on the market, but my advice is that in most cases you're better off doing your research online. After all, if you're blogging you're online, so great blogging information must be there too, right? Darren Rowse's site has a wealth of information - head into the middle of the page to the "Popular at Problogger" and click on the "For Beginners" tab to get you started.

Whenever you reach a stage in your blogging where you're not sure what to do next, just Google your question and there'll be a million answers. In fact, that's how I learnt most of what I know about blogging. For example, when I wanted to change my blog to a WordPress template, I Googled "how to change blogger blog to wordpress" and found several pages which gave me detailed instructions.

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